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Exceptional Italian Grappa

ItalianWine Grappa

The site might be about wine but now and again I find products so special I just have to include them and Grappa del Nonno, Turin Chocolate Liqueur, Bottega Gianduia Chocolate and Genepy Granger are such products. An exceptional Italian grappa, the best chocolate liqueur I have ever tasted and a most unique Genepy.

About Grappa del Nonno?

The name means Granddad’s grappa and that is exactly what this grappa is.

The Zara brothers who run Distilleria Erboristica Alpina believe in making grappa that is 100% true to the traditions of their grandfather.

The careful selection of grapes, the traditional way of working them and the slow ageing in oak barrels combine to produce a fine Italian grappa.

Very few producers are still making grappa this way and I hope that Grappa del Nonno continues with this tradition, open a bottle and you will taste the difference.

Genepy Granger

Genepy Granger is produced from the Genepy plant which grows well in the high mountain regions of Piedmont. The liqueur produced is traditional throughout Northern Italy, France and Switzerland however according to ancient wisdom a true.

Genepy liqueur will only reach excellence if it is produced slowly and the cycles of the moon are respected.

With our rushed modern day lifestyles few, apart from Genepy Granger, still do this and you may think this moon story in particular is a lot of nonsense but before you condemn it, try it. I can guarantee you will be impressed.

Turin Chocolat

Turin Chocolat

Turin is a city famous for some of the world’s best chocolates and from these excellent chocolates this wonderful liquor results. No other chocolate liqueur comes close.

The secret and closely guarded recipe is three generations old and it produces a creamy, not too sweet, but just perfect chocolate liqueur.

Unfortunately if you live in the USA this liquer is seldom available. Good news though! The wonderful Bottega Gianduia Chocolate is!

For more great Italian grappa visit the link below. I can really recommed the Nonino Grappa, the Nardini and Marolo Milla Grappa and the Bottega Gianduia Chocolate (if they are available).

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Chocolate Italian Drink

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