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A New Italian Wine Name

Tucked away in the Umbrian countryside not very far from the delightful village of Gubbio you will find the estate of Vini Donini.

Certainly no well known Italian wine name yet here, for nearly a century, the Donini family has been producing excellent wines from the traditional grape varieties of this region.

Umbrian Country Hotels and Wine Estates

It Started as a Wine Shop

Vini Donini has a rather interesting and unusual history. The two Donini brothers, on returning from World War 1, decided to open a little shop to sell their home-made wines. It was the beginning of a successful business and the estate became one of the leading wine farms in the Upper Tiber Valley.

In the early 80’s the estate expanded to include grapes from the neighboring region of Valtiberino. Since then their reputation has continued to grow amongst Italian wine fundis and they are renowned for being one the best producers of the traditional wines of this region of Italy.

The Wines


A typical Umbrian white wine that goes back all the way to Roman times. The wine has a delicate fruity nose and on the palette it is fresh with honeysuckle and almond hints.

Sagrantino DOCG

The most ancient of Umbrian grapes, a strong and wild variety that matures late on the vine, this is a red wine that needs a long period of ageing, 24 months in barrels and another 24 in the bottle. Once matured this is a full bodied wine with strong tannins and a fruity nose ideal with the game meat which is so popular in this region of Italy.

The Donini Sagrantino is an Italian wine name that is earning an excellent reputation for itself with superb reviews in many an Italian wine guide.

Sagrantino Passito

This is the ancient and traditional way of working the Sagrantino grape. The best grapes of the harvest are left in the open, although under cover, for three months. The dregs are then removed and the result is then placed in barrels for twelve months and then bottled without filtration and left in the bottle for twelve months before being offered for sale.

The result is about the best thing you will ever drink with local cheeses – don’t try it with desserts though – it just doesn’t go.

Where to Stay

Umbria is such a delightful part of the world that any visit should allow enough time to explore. I would say at least a week is ideal.

If you would like to stay near the Donini estate and would like the perfect base to explore Umbria then I can really recommend the Hotel Poggiomanente (see photo at top of page). The hotel is set in absolutely beautiful scenery and the Poggiomanente Restaurant is a real treat for the taste-buds!

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