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How to Learn about Italian Wine

I've received four requests in one day asking: “How can I learn about Italian wine?” I suppose I had better answer this especially seeing as how ten years ago I too knew next to nothing about Italian wine.

The good news is that the best way to learn about Italian wine is one hundred percent guaranteed to be the most enjoyable study course you've ever done. See our part one below...

Part 1

Learning about Italian wine

The first part of the course will involve a lot of time and a fair amount of expense. I can promise you'll enjoy every minute and won't regret a single cent spent.

So what is part one I hear you asking?

Try and drink as much Italian wine as you possibly can! Simple as that.

Part 2

Books about Italian Wine

Along with the drinking try to read up as much as you can about Italian wine. There are two books you really must read. The first is Matt Kramer's Making Sense Of Italian Wine which really is a very well-written and comprehensive guide to the wines of Italy. Better still though is Italian Wine for Dummies - it really will turn you into an expert in no time!

Part 3

Videos about Italian wine

The first video is a simple guide to the major Italian wines from the most important wine regions. Ignore what they say about southern Italian wines being of poor quality. Many southern regions are now producing great wines – click here for a favorite of mine from Sicily.

How about pairing Italian food with Italian wines?

The next video will give you some expert advice on this. Basically though all you need to do is to find out from which region your Italian dish is from (you are eating Italian I hope). Then choose an appropriate white or red wine from that region. You can't go wrong like that

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Italian Wine Shop Not rated yet
I am going to be spending eight days in the city of Milano for business later this year. Never been to Italy before so I am kind of excited. I am …

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