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My Piedmont Wine Region Guide

The Piedmont wine region offers not only the best wines in Italy but the most beautiful scenery of just about any wine region I have ever visited anywhere in the world.

Tuscany is lovely but if you want rolling hills covered with vineyards and ancient medieval hilltop villages then the Piedmont wine region is better than Tuscany by miles.

Wine is produced in many regions of Piedmont but the most scenically beautiful and important region is the Langhe so if you intend to visit try to base yourself somewhere in the Langhe.

One important point though, you will definitely need a car to explore. Even if you only stick to the Langhe a car is the only way to get to the estates and little villages tucked away on hilltops.

Piedmont Wine Region

Where to Stay in Piedmont

Piedmont's little villages are rated as some of the loveliest in Italy and of all these lovely villages Neive is the best.

Neive is a tiny little place with many a lovely wine estate on its doorstep and it is certainly worthwhile spending a few days here. If you do decide to stay in Neive then the utterly charming Villa Lauri is the sensible choice.

La Morra and Barolo (home of the famous wine) too are quaint villages and good bases to explore. In this area there are a couple of really outstanding hotels, they are the Antico Podere Tota Virginia and the Corte Gondina. I can recommend both of these hotels without hesitation. In fact the gorgeous view in the photo above is that awaiting you at the Antico Podere Tota Virginia.

When to Visit Piedmont

September and October are the best months, this is when the vineyards turn the hills of the Langhe into a russet and gold feast for the eyes and October is truffle season too.

If you need any advice on estates to visit in Piedmont then please feel free to contact me.

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