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Best Italian Wine Labels

Casa Ronsil – A Remarkable Story

Since Roman times the vineyards owned now by Casa Ronsil have been producing wine, once they were the primary suppliers to the Roman Empire and Avana was considered by Romans as one of the best Italian wine labels of the day.

Italian Ice Wine

A New Beginning

In recent time the varieties produced on these high slopes of the Val di Susa were largely forgotten and risked disappearing completely. Thankfully this has now changed and a new generation of the family has restored these ancient vines.

Their enthusiasm is incredible to witness, they still work the land in the traditional way despite the difficulties this entails and their passion for the Avana and the Becouet varietals is always evident.

Ice Wine Italian Wine Labels

The wines produced, including a distinctive Italian ice wine, are thoroughly unique. They have caused quite a stir amongst Italian wine experts, yet they remain virtually unknown outside of Italy.

The Wines

The family has a number of wines of which they are justifiably proud. Most certainly the Avana and Becouet varietals are exceptional. Excellent Italian wine labels produced from these grapes include:

San Bartolomeo; well received by Italian wine “fundis” produced from Avanà, Becouet and Neretta Cuneese varietals

San Sebastiano Ice Wine; Much acclaimed in Italy, a wine not so much for those who love wine but rather those who understand wine. This is a superb Italian ice wine and one of the finest wines of the Val di Susa and indeed entire Piedmont region.

Avana; a Val Susa D.O.C single variety red wine produced from the avanà grape. The top quality grape grown only on the excellent terroir of the la buessoun slopes ensures a wine that is simply marvelous.

Visiting the Estate

Visitors are always welcomed warmly at Casa Ronsil although you will need to make an appointment a day or two beforehand.

The estate is about an hour from the wonderful city of Turin, by car or train, and is on the edge of the  little town of Chiomonte. If you do wish to visit I am always happy to make the appointment for you and I will send you directions too.

For more photos of the estate click here.

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