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The Best of Italian White Wines

Gavi is Piedmont's most famous white wine and it is certainly one of the best Italian white wines.

Italian White Wine Estates

La Tentua San Pietro is one of the leading producers of this unique white wine and they have insisted on maintaining old traditions while using modern techniques to improve quality. The results have been impressive.

The Estate

Tenuta San Pietro is in the heartland of Gavi country, lying outside the town of Tassarolo in the southern Piedmont region, near to the border of Liguria. For a map of where in Italy the regions of Piedmont and Liguria are click here.

The belief in organic farming is deeply felt and no chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used. Everything that makes the perfect Gavi is right here in this soil that the owners love so dearly.

Fertilizers and the like would only change the essential balance that makes the perfect Cortese grape and hence Gavi wine. With hundreds of years of tradition to live up to that would never do. Particularly considering that some of these vines were planted many centuries ago by Franciscan Friars.

The Wines

The Tenuta San Pietro Gavi is organically grown and produced entirely from the Cortese grape. The resulting wine is fresh and elegant with a good finish - it is absolutely perfect with seafood.

Gavi, with good reason, is often rated as one of the best Italian white wines and Tenuta San Pietro is certainly one of the leading producers of this wine. The sixty hectare estate doesn't produce vast quantities but rather focuses instead on quality and this policy is beginning to pay dividends for them.

They also produce a very decent red wine too called the Nero which is a blend of 40% Albarossa, 40% Barbera and 20% Cabernet Sauvignon.

Visiting the Estate

Visitors are welcome and the estate plans a new visitors center, restaurant and hotel in the near future.

At present though if you would like to stay somewhere nearby, in the heart of this delightful area, then I would suggest the excellent Hotel Villa Pomela.The hotel was once the country residence of a noble family and this magnificent residence is an absolutely superb place to stay.

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