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Superb Pertinace Wine

The Langhe region of Piedmont is an area I have long loved. It is an absolutely beautiful part of Italy which cannot fail to capture your heart.

Home to some really good Italian wines, the Pertinace vineyard is in the fortunate position of being right in the heart of this lovely terroir and near one of Italy's most charming villages.

Pertinace's wine range includes all the great names of Piedmont and includes Barolo, Barbera, Dolcetto and Barbaresco. Pride of place must go to one of the greatest wines of Italy and the world – the Pertinace Barolo.

Another wine of theirs that I really do enjoy is the Dolcetto. Dolcetto is such a major part of Piedmont's wine history and yet it isn't as appreciated internationally. It should be!

If you do try it I am really sure you'll love it and I would very much appreciate hearing your thoughts. Please leave a comment at the bottom of this page.

Where to Stay near Pertinace

Very near the Pertinace winery is a village called Neive which is rated one of the loveliest of all Italian villages . So, if you would like to visit Pertinace and the many other great wineries nearby, places like Cascina Saria which I also feature on this site, then I would suggest you stay in Neive.

In Neive there is one hotel which lives up to the wonderful standards set by the village. The hotel is the Villa Lauri, a small little place and hard to get a booking at however, should you manage to get in, I assure you that you'll be more than happy. I never want to leave whenever I'm there.

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Italian Kosher Wines Online Not rated yet
I want to know if you can help me. I am a great wine lover and Italy is always the one country where I have forever loved the wines. I have a big problem …

Pertinace, Piedmont, Paradise Not rated yet
Thank you for all your advice and suggestions earlier this year when we were in the planning stages for our trip to Piedmont. If you recall it was …

I Bought Some Wines you Recommended Online  Not rated yet
I am English, originally from a place called Bourne End which I'm sure you've probably never heard of, but I've lived for a long time in the United States. …

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