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Great Italian Wines Online - Candoni

My wife Maria's family is from Veneto and although the Veneto is Italy's premium DOC wine producing region I have up until now featured few of these Italian wines online.

Maria has been telling me for ages that I am crazy and that I am disrespecting her family and their heritage by not featuring wines from Veneto. What can I say to that? Nothing except get myself moving and feature some great Veneto wines...

The first estate I featured was Faccioli near Verona. Faccioli is a winery that I have long loved. Since those early days I have done a lot of exploring of the various and very different Veneto wine routes. What a pleasure it is exploring these stunning landscapes and enjoying fabulous food and wine at the same time.

After all my hard work I have discovered a lot of new wines which I am planning to feature in future.

The first of these new estates is Candoni which I actually discovered, not on my wine route exploration but at a recent tasting in Verona.

Candoni has vineyards in various parts of Italy producing excellent wines but particularly excellent are those produced in the Veneto. The wines represent superb value for money and you can easily understand why the Candoni family has seen such recent international success for their wines.

The Veneto vineyards are responsible for their excellent Pinot Grigio and Prosecco wines. I can wholeheartedly recommend you try both varieties, however if you can only afford to try one wine then I would suggest their Prosecco wines. They are superb and perfectly capture the crisp freshness so characteristic of a good Prosecco. .

I've told you a little about the Candoni Vineyards but Caterina Candoni explains it better.

For more Italian wines online click here to return to the home page of best Italian wine

If you would like to base yourself in Venice then here are a few hotels I can really recommend.

For a map of the various Italian regions click here.

How about trying the best red wine to be found between Venice and Verona? Click here for more.

Italian Wine Regions and Wines

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